Hello & welcome,

it´s great to have you here!

I´m Andrea Reichhart.

Video and Online Business Coach, singer and founder of VIDEOQUEEN™.

I show you how to win fans and dream customers with social video.

Being confident, relaxed and authentic to make your Online Business known by the right people.

And I help you to stop selling your time and putting your knowledge and expertise into online products you can sell again and again.

You are at the right place when you ask yourself one of theses questions:

"I feel very insecure in front of the camera .... how can I leave it behind?"

"Im afraid of doing Live Videos.... how can I get started?"

"I don´t know what to talk about .... how do i find the right video topics my audience loves?"

"I fell totally overwhelmed with the technical part .... how can I master that?"

With the right instructions and motivation everyone can master videos, you too!

Videos are on every level of your Online Business: you need them for content creation, Social Media Marketing, Live Calls, challenges, webinars and of course: Online Courses.

Are you ready? Then let´s get started!

... it all started with music

music, the stage and my love for Online Marketing

I am a trained singer and voice teacher and studied jazz and popular music at the University of the Arts in Amsterdam/NL.

Since then I've been on numerous stages, released my own CDs and sung & spoken in front of many people.

Coming from music authenticity, presence and creating an emotional connection with my audience are part of my profession.

Using the magic of the moment to capture their hearts & attention.

In 2017 I discovered my enthusiasm for Online Marketing and the opportunity to reach so many people.

I followed the passion to pass on my experience of singing & speaking, stage presence, authentic & confident appearance online.

2017 I founded the Online Singing School www.solernstdusingen.de.

Since 2019 I support women to use videos successfully for their Online Business and I founded VIDEOQUEEN video school™.

And in VIDEOQUEEN business school™  I show my customers how to create, launch and sell Online Courses (only available in german).

"Andrea, can everyone learn how to do great videos?"


With the will to do it and clear instructions, anyone can shine in videos. Speaking freely and inspiring with a great message on the lips you can use videos to grow your Online Business.

Start with my free video training and I show you how to do it! >> free training

Doris Scheerer, Respiratory Therapist

Andrea’s coaching is warm, personal and professional.

She picks people up where they are. She motivates and manages to make progress visible in the shortest possible time.

Doris Scheerer, Respiratory Therapist www.achtsam-koeln.de